Now you can get that “artista” shine from within and get Belofied with Belo Nutraceuticals Glutathione + Collagen Capsules
What it can do to your skin?

The good thing about this product is that, it does not cause hyperacidity because the Supplement C existing in the tablet is by means of ascorbate. Ascorbates are known to be less acid than other kinds of Supplement C and offer better consumption than ascorbic acid alone.
Belo Nutraceuticals Glutathione + Collagen Capsules ingredients
Glutathione: expert anti-oxidant, removes toxins harmful toxins from one's body, and has epidermis lightening properties
Alpha Lipoic-Acid: anti-oxidant that increases glutathione stages in cells
L-Hydroxyproline: Bovine collagen forerunner, offer wetness, and allows in epidermis proliferation
Sodium ascorbate: Important in collogane development and improves glutathione stages in cells
Coenzyme Q10: Stops beginning epidermis aging
Marine collagen: improves collagen stage and moistures skin
Suggested Usage:
For grownups take one tablet twice everyday, with or without foods with one tablet taken every morning hours as glutathione stages are smallest and oxidative pressure is maximum.
If expecting or breast feeding seek advice from your doctor first before using the item. Keep out of kid's achieve. Shop item in awesome dry place. Do not use this item if protection closure is damaged or interfered.
Belo Nutraceuticals is one of Dr. Belo's many ways to meet up with her objective to make the Malaysia the most wonderful nation, one person at a time.
Belo Nutraceuticals Glutathione + Collagen Capsules provides the key benefits of lightening plus anti-ageing in one tablet. It is a cutting-edge trademarked ingredients that has gone through comprehensive examining and research to make sure its expert quality quality, protection and effectiveness.
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